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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Coconut milk

well well well....
i finally tried the avacado and cocnut milk, before i used the cocnut milk and avacado i put my tea rinse and let it just about air dry and then rinsed and put on the coconut milk and avacado.

at first my sentiments about this concoction were very very mixed because 1. i didnt puree the avacado and 2. it felt hard after i rinsed it but then after i put in some conditioner for 5 minutes and rinsed it out it was all good and the next day my new growth was very very textured. ..

so the next day i decided to mix some conditioner with honey, coconut milk, and evoo and dc with heat for an hour and i liked how that came out too. so next i will use just cocnut milk by it self and see what that does. all in all i like the effect that the cm had on my hair..

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