So I've been asked the question of whether or not products can speed the growth process. I've used sulpher based products that did actually seem to thicken my hair, but I had just started my journey and I began transitioning after that and really didnt know about keeping measured amounts of growth. Actually I have never been able to say whether or not I get the standard amount of growth per month (1/2 an inch). Ive never been intrigued enough to find out. I pay the most attention to the ends of my hair, beacause it is older and more fragile than the fresh new hair thats coming from my scalp.
Speaking of my scalp Ive been using an oil mix (castor, tea tree, grapeseed oils) to scalp massage with 2-3 times a week for a month now and after lightly flatironing my hair the other day I noticed that the longest layer of my hair is below my brastrap instead of barely touching the top. I also read that Castor oil promotes growth as well as assist in thickening the strands. So Im not sure if I can attribute my growth to the oil mix as Ive changed other things that I did to my hair that may have caused my stagnant period just above BSL.
I manipulate my hair much less than I ever have. I only detangle every 7-10 days, and in between that time I finger comb, or keep it stretched out. Less manipulation for me means more retention.
On my last wash day...
washed with redken real control
deep conditioned and steamed for 30 minutes with real control masque
applied gvp conditioning balm as my leave in
rollerset (grey rollers)
Rewet each section (water, silk amino acids, grapeseed oil, gylcerin)
lightly flatironed (I didnt use a boar bristle brush to smooth and silken)
massaged scalp with oil mix
So right now my hair is straight and I will have in either a french braid in or a bun unitl I decide to wash it again. I notice that my ends get REALLY dry after I flatiron, so I make sure to baggy at night for the first 3-4 days after flatironing. When my hair is stretched out I use heavier oiler moisturizer rather than water based ones to prevent reversion. I love Carols Daughter Some of Maugarites Magic for this purpose I also like to use a shea butter, honey and olive oil hair butter that I made, I liken it to Carols Daughter Mimosa Hair Honey.